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Ariel (Medium Jet Head)
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Note: Photos for illustrative purposes only, and do not reflect your skirt colors, head color, or rigging selections.
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Ariel is our newest lure, a jet head that has tremendous movement for her size. The 4 jets create a massive bubble trail (she’s not that big, weighing in at ¾ of an ounce) mimicking fleeing baitfish. A versatile lure, you can run her slow and keep her just under the surface or fast (7-8 knots) dancing and shredding the surface. Fish her on the long rigger with some line angle to get the most from the jets or, if you like to troll deep, fish her on the planer with a long length of leader. Dress her with a pair of our UV 202 size skirts.
- Head Length: 1.125" / 28.5 mm
- Head Size: A-Small
- Lure Skirt Size: PT15
- Skirted Lure Length: 5.75" / 14.6 cm
- Weight: 0.92 oz / 26 grams
- Width: 0.75" / 19 mm
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